A Simple Way To Rest Easy


A Simple Way To Rest Easy


by Markey Motsinger


Life can get crazy. With school, soccer games, and church, how are we supposed to stay organized? I have always had some type of day planner. I love paper planners, but can’t deny the ease of having everything on my phone. I like not having too lug around a big day planner in my small purse.

Besides writing EVERYTHING in my calendar, the number one thing that helps me stay organized is...decluttering. I have spent the last few years asking God what areas I need to condense. This has led me to unsubscribing to email lists, canceling magazine subscriptions, getting rid of the newspaper, using a menu that I repeat every month, having my kids make their lunches, downsizing our house by 2500 square feet, and selling a truckload of furniture. Wow, just writing that makes me feel lighter. This process has allowed my heart, mind, and soul to breathe a little easier.

Your Turn…

Ever have the desire to rest easier but don’t know where to start? I would encourage you to ask God if there is something He would have you declutter.

Over the years, we don’t even realize how much we are accumulating. And because we add things gradually, we don’t realize how much additional time it takes to maintain it all. The more clothes we have the more time it takes to look through them and wash them. The more dishes in the cabinet, the more dishes to wash in the sink. The more toys the less they all get used.

Decluttering our lives can help us realign how we live our lives. Our lives and everything in them can be powerful tools used to bring God glory.



Hi there! I’m Markey! I’m inviting you to pull up a chair and join me in this thing called life. With me, you won’t find much fluff, but you will find an ordinary, girl who craves authenticity and Jesus. Visit me here to read my blog or grab some free Bible studies and reading plans.



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